➤ 沿革介紹
➤ Program History
In light of Taiwan’s ornamental fish industry being recognized by the government as the most internationally competitive sector within precision agriculture, and leveraging the geographical advantage of establishing the “Asia-Pacific Aquaculture Center” in the Pingtung Agricultural Biotechnology Park, a specialized program was initiated.
By integrating the expertise of internationally renowned university faculty and NPUST’s strengths in ornamental fish breeding and rearing technology, aquatic animal disease prevention, production medicine, and ornamental fish transportation and marketing, the Ornamental Fish Technology Teaching and Research Team was formed. This team spearheaded the planning of a cross-disciplinary, English-taught International Degree Program in Ornamental Fish Technology, approved by the Ministry of Education (MOE) on May 11, 2015 (Tai-Jiao-Gao-(1)-1040056555). The program is under the administration of the International College.
To expand the scope of academic research, the program was renamed in the 2018 academic year to the International Degree Program in Ornamental Fish Technology and Aquatic Animal Health.